Monday, March 18

Beat Up this Summer

Summer Care

Hey girls,

Again I have to apologize for going unnoticed few days as I was held up with college stuff which I totally hate. Anyway I am happy to make time for my blog at least today...:)

All I wanted to share some tips from my personal experience of how to tackle the scorching heat ...esp for the skin and it is starting to get hotter day by day.

So here goes..

·       Drink plenty of water:
Yes everybody says this and I am tired of it but seriously water does wonders to our skin and hair. Water flushes away the toxins keeping our body cool and clean. Drink as much as possible and I’m sure all will notice a change in their skin.
·       Buttermilk and lime juice also takes away heat from body.

·       Eat Healthy & Complete:
I mean eat your food properly with vegetables, milk, ghee, curd, fruits etc. Skipping meals again may cause hair fall and pimples to break out. Seriously I made the mistake and found it out very late after spoiling my skin and hair the maximum.

·       Wash your face twice or thrice as it is summer. Sweat tends to attract dirt and if you have oily acne prone skin like me, you sure can expect pimples.

·       Use scrub once or twice a week to remove dead cells, white and black heads.

·       Use Face pack too to keep off the tan and to make the skin glow.  

·       Have face tissues to take off the excess dirt and sweat to avoid breakouts.

·       Wear sun glass if at all going out and dab some sunscreen.

·       Do overdo face with makeup by using primer, foundation etc daily during this season.

·       Use SPF for lips too.... Most lip balms have it and I love the baby lips from Maybelline.

·       Clean off any traces of make up and let your skin breathe before you sleep.

·       Hair again has to be washed a little more than usual. I wash it alternate days with mild shampoo.

·       Make sure you don’t have dandruff or you will be inviting acne as well.

·       For hair, if out on two wheeler, wear helmet with a cotton cloth underneath as sun’s rays may cause greying of hair.

·       Avoid polyester clothes as it may absorb heat causing heat boils so wear cotton as much as possible.

These are some of the basics I could think of which does make a difference...

Share with me if you have any... Will love to know
With love,

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